Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Questions I need to ask

What is Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita?
How is it caused/developed?
What are the symptoms/features/effects?
How and when is it diagnosed?
Who does it affect?
What are the treatments/cures/therapy?
Who do I need to talk to to find out more about it?
Are there organisations/groups dedicated to supporting those with arthrogryposis and their family?
If so, what do these organisations do?
Where can people find more information about the disability?

What are the important factors to consider when designing an information pamphlet?
 eg. layout, colour, size, font, etc
What attracts people to a pamphlet? => What is it about a pamphlet that might encourage one to look at/read it?
What is the target audience?
How does the pamphlet need to be altered in order to appeal to this audience?
If i design a pamphlet, will I print it out to hand out to the public?
How much will this cost?
Where can I get a pamphlet like this printed out?
How many copies would I need to print?
What program/s would i need to use (on a computer) in order to design and create a pamphlet?
How can I effectively design this pamphlet so that it sends a clear, understandable message to the target audience,and so that the information and design of the pamphlet is relevant to the topic?

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